To reinforce this, God gave Moses three miracles to perform to persuade the elders of the Israelites that God had actually sent Moses. Miracles reveal the power and character of God to unbelieving souls. The three miracles were turning his staff into a snake and back into a staff; turning his hand leprous and whole again and turning a bucket of Nile water to blood. All these would reinforce that God had not forgotten his people and that Moses was God’s man for the task.
Lastly to allay Moses final fear, God sent Aaron his brother to speak on Moses behalf and to stand with Moses in the tricky days ahead.
At the burning bush Moses was afraid. All he could think about was his shortcomings and failings. The first thing God wanted to establish in Moses’ mind was who he is so that Moses could learn to think more about God and His character and power than about his own weaknesses. The devil wants to constantly focus us on our weaknesses and failings and not on who we are in Christ and His great strengths and deeds. The devil is the accuser and he constantly bombards us with negative thoughts about ourselves which we must resist. He wants us to return to self worth based on performance and because of our shortcomings, if we do this, we will fail and can become overwhelmed with a sense of worthless.
Instead we need to focus on Christ, his power, his amazing ability to accomplish anything so we walk into our destiny and calling looking to him not ourselves. That way the Kingdom is advanced. We must believe more about what God thinks about us than what we think about ourselves. Let us get on with what God has called us to, trusting him for everything we need and for his leading and guidance.