Sunday, 27 May 2018

The power of individual prayer

But what measure could amount to Your desire
You’re the One who never leaves the one behind

So will I (100 billion) Hillsong

God is so interested in the one, a thought that pursues me.

In all of the immensity of God’s creation, He never loses sight of the one, the individual. I know I can get overwhelmed by the problems in the world, in Europe, in UK, in my town but God doesn’t call us to try and fix everything but to partner with him in helping change the life of the one.

As I’ve written before each of us can have a profound effect on one other through kind works but the effect of our prayers on situations can be profound. I sometimes think we don’t truly understand how vital our prayers are.
A Christian praying in a church destroyed by IS

As individual Christians I believe we need to grasp again the enormity of the impact we can make through prayer into individual circumstances. The devil would have us to believe we make no difference, our prayers are not important.  On the contrary they are essential.

God is not paternalistically listening to our prayers, patting us on the head and then going on with the big business of sustaining the universe. Nothing could be further from the truth. God takes each prayer and puts it into action if he possibly can. As we partner with his heart for other people and situations, God acts.

Huge world problems are overwhelming but focusing in prayer on the one whether that be someone struggling in poverty at home or abroad, a politician or a persecuted Christian we can make such a difference to their lives.

The most important thing is to prioritise our prayers and learn how to pray from God’s perspective not ours. That leads to effective intercession. It starts with regularly connecting with God. This in itself can be a real battle with the other demands of our busy lives.

In my last few years of work, I was incredibly tired and God kept gently urging me to get up earlier and spend time with him. I felt that was impossible. I was already exhausted. Finally I gave into his nudges and set the alarm for half an hour earlier. Those precious half hours supported me through my last years at work. I was able to pray for all sorts of things that before had been impossible. I found these verses from Isaiah 40 so true.
29 He gives strength to the weary
    and increases the power of the weak.
30 Even youths grow tired and weary,
    and young men stumble and fall;
31 but those who hope in the Lord
    will renew their strength.
They will soar on wings like eagles;
    they will run and not grow weary,
    they will walk and not be faint.

I had had a similar experience years earlier when our four children were small and I felt I just could not find the time to pray and read my Bible. God showed me how and when I could fit that into our demanding schedule. Again the benefit and blessing was immense.

God cares about the one – you and me – and our relationship with him. He so desires that we too have a heart for the one. As we prioritise the One, he will show us how we can pray effectively for the one, whoever that may be. We truly can change the world one prayer at a time.