Thursday, 17 July 2014

The assisted dying bill

This week the UK House of Lords is debating the Assisted Dying Bill.  The bill seeks to permit people who are terminally ill and have less than 6 months to live and are mentally competent to be able to be helped by a doctor to commit suicide usually by drinking poison. 

Needless to say there is some heated debate in the media about this and some surprising people such as former Archbishop of Canterbury George Carey and Desmond Tutu have come out in favour of it while current Archbishop of Canterbury Justin Welby opposes it. 

Traditional Christian belief is that human life is a gift from God and possesses an intrinsic dignity and value.  People are created by God in his own image for the distinctive destiny of sharing in God's own life. Human dignity and value are not measured by mobility, intelligence, or any achievements in life. People who are old, sick, mentally challenged, even those with locked in syndrome or in a persistent vegetative state have the same value and worth as fully functioning people. Therefore euthanasia, assisted suicide and so on fly in the face of this because all life has value and no one has the right to consider a life worthless and therefore to be ended, even one’s own.

This Bill and its proponents do not propose assisted dying based on any of these arguments though but as a matter of choice. Nowadays choice is everything from which school your children go to, which doctor or hospital you use, to choosing an abortion. Choice is king and if I choose to do something then that is my business and mine alone. 

Morals, common values, right and wrong have all been slain on the altar of choice. If it feels good then do it. Instead of talking about choice with consequences or rights and responsibilities we just promote choice. 

The problem with the Assisted Dying Bill which sounds so reasonable with wonderful safeguards is that it opens the door to ending someone’s life before their natural time. The Abortion Bill in 1967 was never intended to be abortion on demand that we have nowadays with 200,000 babies a year being given no choice of life but that is what we now have.  

In the same way I believe assisted dying will in years to come lead to voluntary euthanasia and then …. The Netherlands is held up as the liberal ideal in Western society.  Previously though euthanasia and physician assisted suicide were still technically illegal there, doctors were not prosecuted if they followed certain guidelines. The problem was that these guidelines were being interpreted in ever broader ways. Then in 2002 euthanasia and assisted suicide were legalised in the Netherlands. 

The US Patients Rights Council website comments Right-to-die advocates often argue that euthanasia and assisted suicide are “choice issues.” The Dutch experience clearly indicates that, where voluntary euthanasia and assisted suicide are accepted practice, a significant number of patients end up having no choice at all. 
The irony is that during World War II Holland was the only occupied country whose doctors refused to participate in the German euthanasia program. Dutch physicians openly defied an order to treat only those patients who had a good chance of full recovery. Commenting on this fact in his essay “The Humane Holocaust,” highly respected British journalist Malcolm Muggeridge wrote that it took only a few decades “to transform a war crime into an act of compassion.” 
The problem with accepted practice  such as assisted suicide is that it changes the dynamic of everyone’s thinking. You can imagine in years to come how the terminally ill will feel pressured whether deliberately or through guilt to end their life early. They may well imagine they are doing everybody a favour by no longer being a burden or a nuisance to their families. 
In the Daily Mail on 9th July, Professor Theo Boer, a Dutch ethics expert and someone who has carefully watched the effect of assisted suicide in the Netherlands warns Britain not to go down the same path as his native country. He says that the number of assisted suicides has doubled in 6 years. He believes that the very existence of a euthanasia law turns assisted suicide from a last resort into a normal procedure.  Euthanasia is now becoming so prevalent in the Netherlands, he said, that it is ‘on the way to becoming a default mode of dying for cancer patients’.  and he admits he was terribly wrong to have believed regulated euthanasia would work.‘I used to be a supporter of the Dutch law but now, with 12 years of experience, I take a very different view.’
With the increase of elderly people and better health care prolonging life, we have some serious issues to face.  The Liverpool Care Pathway was designed to give excellent care for those in the last days of their lives. For some it worked really well but it was used by some health care professionals to hasten death often without the knowledge or consent of patient or family. I remember being shocked a few years ago when an elderly patient I knew died in hospital of malnutrition and dehydration. Unfortunately that has now become accepted practice in some circumstances for hastening the death of elderly people. 

While I respect the view that people believe they have the right to end their life I cannot support it. We must find ways of helping terminally ill people face death with dignity, by promoting high levels of palliative care and enabling families to be supportive without being burdened and that those terrified of life find the hope and encouragement  to continue.  As Pope John Paul II said ‘True compassion leads to sharing another’s pain. It does not kill the person whose suffering we cannot bear.’ 

I believe instead of looking at euthanasia and assisted suicide or dying to deal with the  problems of increasing numbers of elderly  and terminally ill people, we should open the debate on when the sanctity of life became a matter of choice and seek instead to re-establish some common morals and values that seem to be sadly lacking in today’s society. 

Friday, 11 July 2014

Now you are the body of Christ, and each one of you is a part of it. I Corinthians 12: 27
The other day I watched a man very patiently walking his elderly dog who was hobbling along behind him on the lead. Of course that dog was not always elderly and in the past I am sure he would have been racing around, chasing a ball or other dogs. Old age creeps up on us all!

The Body of Christ though is designed for everyone, young, old or middle-aged to participate and find their place in. Unfortunately it is too often true that both the very young and very old get marginalised. 

Jesus said:  “Let the little children come to me, and do not hinder them, for the kingdom of heaven belongs to such as these.”  Matthew 19: 14. This was not a quick blessing and a patronising pat on the head. This is a release of children into fully functioning members of the Kingdom and to participation in the church. 

Psalm 8: 2 says, ‘from the lips of children and infants you have ordained praise to silence the foe and the avenger.’ Children’s praise silences the devil and should be encouraged at all times. It is not enough that the children are quiet reading, colouring or playing on an iPad in church; they should be fully participating in the praise and worship, ready to bring a word or pray. As parents we set such a low bar for our children and unfortunately they rarely jump over it. 

The old can also be ignored and too often all we expect of them is to stay quiet in church!  However I believe it is the detriment of many churches that they do not actively encourage the elderly to still be a participating part of church. They may be hobbling along, their minds may be slower and their short term memories unreliable but if you take the time to sit down, wait and listen you will hear some gems.

Locked up in that elderly body that doesn’t work the way it used to is a pile of treasure, a wealth of wisdom waiting to be mined. It will take time and patience but it may be time well spent. It may save you making mistakes from those who have gone before and have learned the painful way from those self same mistakes. They will almost certainly have been there, done it and got the T shirt. 

A group of 50 - 60 year olds counted up the time they had spent serving the Lord and it came to over 1000 years. That is huge resource to draw on. How much more is there in the very elderly many of whom have been walking with the Lord over 50 years. 

The Body of Christ was never designed to be a group of middle aged people leading the church and actively encouraging the youth to step up and play their part. It is a body that functions at its best with the childlikeness of the little ones mixed with the passion and enthusiasm of the youth, tempered by the experience of the middle aged and guided by the wisdom of the elderly. 

All have a part to play and none are expected to be excluded by the lack or abundance of years. It takes time and effort to include the very young and very old but the result will be a more rounded and better equipped church to fulfil its destiny ‘to go out into all the world and make disciples …’. 

Thursday, 3 July 2014

Practice makes perfect

There are two things that I have noticed about playing sport. The first is that you the better at what you practice and that looking the part does not necessarily mean you are a good player.

The same is true of the Christian faith. We get better at what we practice and most certainly outward appearances can be deceptive.

We find that as we practice consistently reading our Bibles, praying, worship and fasting these things get easier. However it is far more than these spiritual disciplines. As we grow in the Christian faith we get much better at trusting God, at forgiving, at recognising and resisting the attacks of the enemies, at standing on the truth, at loving others, at not being discouraged at every setback and at breaking the bad habits and developing good ones

Unfortunately it is also true that as we practise bad things we will get better at them. That is why Paul wrote to the Galatians:   The acts of the flesh are obvious: sexual immorality, impurity and debauchery; and envy; drunkenness, orgies, and the like. Galatians 5: 16 and 20 – 21. Paul was talking to believers here not unbelievers. Instead he encourages us to cultivate the fruit of the Spirit (which) is love, joy, peace, forbearance, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self-control. Galatians 5: 22 - 23 

God also has a programme or spiritual journey for each one of us that is personal and is designed to help us grow more Christ like. It is a process and as we learn the lessons set before us we grow into the person whom God has made us to be and fulfilling our God given destinies.

The Holy Spirit is the most wonderful counsellor, guide, friend, exhorter, comforter, encourager and teacher and we have the Bible as the most incredible book to help us. We have the church and fellow believers to stand with us, pray for us and to strengthen us in our faith as fellow pilgrims on the journey. 

God wants us to succeed and even in the severest of trials, he is there with us and I am totally convinced that God will bring good out of every negative circumstance. He is honing and refining us. Perseverance is the key.

The writer of Hebrews encourages us: Therefore, since we are surrounded by such a great cloud of witnesses, let us throw off everything that hinders and the sin that so easily entangles. And let us run with perseverance the race marked out for us, fixing our eyes on Jesus, the pioneer and perfecter of faith. For the joy that was set before him he endured the cross, scorning its shame, and sat down at the right hand of the throne of God. Consider him who endured such opposition from sinners, so that you will not grow weary and lose heart. He brews 12: 1- 3

Don’t give up. Keep practising the good and you will succeed.