King Nebuchadnezzar of Babylon had had a bad dream and demanded that his wise men and magicians not only interpret the dream but tell him what the dream was about. Otherwise they would be put to death. When Daniel heard of this he asked for more time and he and his three friends went and sought God who revealed the dream and its interpretation. Daniel went to the king and was quick to ensure the King knew it was not because he was wise that he knew the dream and interpretation but because God reveals mysteries.
Never has there been a greater need today for the wisdom of God to come and reveal mysteries and God wants to use his people to do this. Individuals and society face intractable problems and the wisdom of God is needed as never before to find Godly solutions to these problems.
God gave me this word last October and I would like to share it with you today:I rejoice over my children. I embrace you and breathe my life and identity into you. As I do this you become like me. My life and presence will shine from you and you will take it wherever you go. You will bring my presence into business meetings, schools, governments, media, health care, commerce and homes. You will bring my presence there and if you will yield yourselves to me, you will bring my wisdom into intractable situations. You will bring Godly solutions to ungodly messes. The breathtaking simplicity of my answers will stun others.
I am wisdom and as you embrace me and let me saturate you, my wisdom will flow from you. I have an answer to every situation. There is nothing I cannot and will not restore to those who love me and seek to serve me. Let my presence dwell richly and deeply in you. Take it to the world. Share my love wherever you go. Love cannot be force fed, it must be imparted and I will use every one of you who lets me. Trust me, ask me and I will show you. Make yourselves available and I will use each one, young or old, clever, rich, poor, disadvantaged, disabled, disaffected, discouraged, every wonderful one of you that is mine I will use because your difficulties are not a problem to me but an opportunity, an opportunity for you to serve me and discover how much I truly love you.
The Bible is quite clear that wisdom is given to anyone who asks (James 1:5). God wants to confide in us (Psalm 25:14). Let us ask today and make ourselves available to give that Godly wisdom as the Lord opens doors to us.